It is the arrogance of mankind that we automatically think we are superior to the rest of the animals in the world. Although we can’t fly like a bird, hunt like a wolf, or climb trees like a monkey we think that the society we have created makes us the superior species. Yet every so often animals do something so heartwarming that you wonder if we are really learning enough from them.
A recent story from an animal shelter has gone viral about one dog who found some abandoned kittens and started to care for them. The story takes place in Ontario, Canada where a particularly observant passer-by noticed a dog huddled around some small black pups. The dog in question was light in color so the friendly citizen went for a closer look. When she got a little closer she noticed that they were not pups at all but kittens. Five pure black kittens being taken care of by the most caring dog.
It is not clear whether a wild cat had abandoned these kittens or if an owner had discarded them. Whatever happened the kittens were lucky that this loving dog stepped in to take care of them. When they were found on the street someone called a local animal shelter to pick them up. Pet and Wildlife Rescue of Ontario responded to the call and is currently housing the six pals.
All six are reported to be healthy and happy. While Pet and Wildlife say they would love to find a home for all six pets together, they know it is extremely unlikely. If they were to wait for the perfect family to come along and take all six it would take too long to find the right home. If the dog, who has now been named Serenity, was adopted separately she would be picked up quickly so the shelter has to act in her best interest. They say that black cats are usually very difficult to find a home for. While superstition doesn’t actually mean anything and most people will admit that many people would still prefer not to work on the 13th floor of a building or own a black cat.
The story has gone so viral so quickly that we hope all six pets do find a home soon. If you are in the market for six of the most loving animals in the world, then please get in touch with the shelter quickly. Serenity is an incredibly caring dog although easily frightened and still in need of house training. At present they are being held together in a foster home but this is just a temporary arrangement.
Finding homes where pets can stay for life (sometimes called Forever Homes) is a huge challenge for shelters. Because many stray animals are not neutered, the rate at which they take in animals and pups is too high. They need a huge amount of volunteers to take in all these animals as pets. For this to be successful most of the world needs to change their purchasing behavior of pets. You should not buy a pet from a private dealer when you can rescue one instead. While you may want a specific breed, is it really worth seeing a shelter dog euthanized to get it? In reality if you look around at a number of shelters you will find your dream dog (or cat) in one.
Serenity and her five friendly kittens will all likely find a home thanks to the original picture going viral, but many animals won’t. Do what you can for pets in your local shelter.