Human & Animal

The man who wouldn’t break

The man who wouldn’t break

World War II was a time in history that showed many people's true colors, especially those occupying Europe amid the conflict. While the Nazis of Germany are well known for many of the horrible acts committed during this time,...

Why we should love poisonous venom

Why we should love poisonous venom

Nature clearly has a sense of humor. In the world today there are some incredibly poisonous animals. While these spiders, snakes, and scorpions are incredibly frightening to most, as they could mean certain death, they also hold the cure...

Six Interesting Facts About Popular Authors

Six Interesting Facts About Popular Authors

Do you ever think about what your favorite authors did in their spare time? Did you ever wonder about what your favorite author inspired after their death? This article will talk about some interesting facts connected to an author....

Why Are Sloths So Cool?

Why Are Sloths So Cool?

Sloths deserve some credit. They are not fast, they are not ferocious, they are let’s be honest a little ugly and yet they have taken the world by storm. These amazing creatures are loved by so many but why?...

Ancient child grave discovered in France

Ancient child grave discovered in France

Recently, on a large-scale dig in central France, the almost 2,000-year-old burial site of a child was discovered. The dig was initiated with the aim of excavating large amounts of undug archeologic deposits to clear the way for the...

Do Koalas Actually Sleep?

Do Koalas Actually Sleep?

If you go to the zoo or the Australian outback any time soon you may be lucky enough to see a Koala. If you do I would bet a lot of money that he or she will be in...

Why so many owners sleep with their pets

Why so many owners sleep with their pets

Having a pet is like having the greatest friend in the world. They will do anything for you, rarely annoy you, and are always there when you need them. In many ways having a pet is better than having...

Good and bad role models

Good and bad role models

We all know that having role models in life is important. Michael Jordan changed the game of basketball forever and many of the stars of the game had his poster in their bedroom growing up. He was the idol...

The life expectancy of a chicken

The life expectancy of a chicken

One of the most popular foods in modern life is chicken. The way that chickens are housed, raised, and processed has come under a lot of scrutiny in recent years and has been matched by a growing demand for...

A little insight into Tupac’s short life

A little insight into Tupac’s short life

For those who love hip hop the name ‘Tupac Shakur’ will always mean a lot. For those who aren’t fans of the music genre, the name is still well known. This alone shows the legacy that Tupac left behind...

7 Signs That Show Your Cat Truly Loves You

7 Signs That Show Your Cat Truly Loves You

There's no denying that cats have a massive reputation for being the most indifferent pets in the world. They seem not to care about you and only give you attention when they are hungry or want to be pampered!...

Why Roosters Crow?

Why Roosters Crow?

Rooster crow is one of the most identifiable animal sounds on our planet, just next to a dog's bark and the cat's gentle meow. But the question here is why roosters crow? Or is it true that roosters crow...

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