Human & Animal

The stray dog that adopted five kittens

The stray dog that adopted five kittens

It is the arrogance of mankind that we automatically think we are superior to the rest of the animals in the world. Although we can’t fly like a bird, hunt like a wolf, or climb trees like a monkey...

Firewood for families in need

Firewood for families in need

Sometimes it is hard to know how to give back to the world. While hard work and effort can lead you to a successful life, anyone in a good position must realize that an element of luck got them...

Why Some Animals Have Two Different Coloured Eyes

Why Some Animals Have Two Different Coloured Eyes

You’re probably cursing yourself for being reckless when buying your dog. You’re wondering how you failed to notice that it has different colored eyes! If this is you, then you shouldn’t fret! It is natural for some animals to...

Here’s a list of world’s worst stinger

Here’s a list of world’s worst stinger

A sting could be so cruel that you couldn’t even imagine in your life. It is one of nature’s cruelest weapons. While an insect sting, they squirt toxins that directly enter your bloodstream. Sting is a chemical weapon that...

The Rising Cost of Tourism

The Rising Cost of Tourism

While tourism is a huge moneymaker for people and places across the world it comes with a significant cost. Overtourism is a growing problem across the world and is resulting in cultural, societal, financial and environmental issues. Statistics show...

An act of kindness that sets the right example

An act of kindness that sets the right example

In today’s news and media, we are constantly shown the negative actions of police forces around the world. This is a good thing as for too long these positions have used their power to inflict untold horrors onto numerous...

Viking artifacts that were frozen in time

Viking artifacts that were frozen in time

The Vikings are one of the world’s first explorers. They were incredibly versatile, strong, and intelligent. It was their innovations in the boating world that allowed them to discover much of the world before others could even contemplate long...

Why Do Spiders Have So Many Eyes?

Why Do Spiders Have So Many Eyes?

Before we figure out why spiders have so many understand we should first ask; why do humans have two eyes? The answer is because we have evolved to need them. Humans use two eyes to be able to see...

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