We all know that a name is a crucial identifier for any individual. But what happens when an individual is given a 99-character name? Will it still serve the purpose?
Well, you’ll agree that it’s not easy to memorize such a long name! It may be unique but it’ll undoubtedly give everybody trouble remembering.
It’s a Reality!
It may have sounded like a story from the beginning, right? Well, it’s not! A man in New Zealand changed his name into a 99-character phrase after losing a bet at a poker game.
Wondering what was going on in his mind?
Well, he probably wanted to break a record; and he did! His new name lacks one letter only to exceed the limit set by the Department of Internal Affairs.
But What is the Name?
After losing the bet 5 years ago, his fellow yellow card players chose “Full Metal Havok More Sexy N Intelligent Than Spock And All The Superheroes Combined With Frostnova” to be his new name.
He used the name unofficially since he thought it wouldn’t be accepted. However, he was shocked when he went to change his passport and the name was accepted! It is now his official name.
Consequently, he has changed all his official documents from Mr Frostnova to the 99-character name. In March 2010, the name was officially changed and endorsed by the Department of Internal Affairs
How Easy is it To Change a Name
In New Zealand, an individual is entitled to change their name after payment of NZ $127. However, the name should be less than 100-characters and have no symbols in it.
Due to the legal flexibility on matters of name changing, the country has experienced numerous cases of name changing. For example, a Family Court in the country ruled that a girl named Talula Does the Hula was entitled to change the name since she was uncomfortable with it.
What characters can Lead to Name Rejection
The New Zealand’s registration office has rejected names that have characters/names such as full stop, asterisk, V8, King, Majesty, Anal, Knight, Mafia No Fear, Lucifer, and Justice
Bottom Line
Did you know that New Zealand allows individuals to own a name as long as 100 characters? Well, one individual decided to use this allowance to change his name to a 99-character phrase! His interesting story is detailed herein.