Why Roosters Crow?
Rooster crow is one of the most identifiable animal sounds on our planet, just next to a dog's bark and the cat's gentle meow. But the question here is why roosters crow? Or is it true that roosters...
Rooster crow is one of the most identifiable animal sounds on our planet, just next to a dog's bark and the cat's gentle meow. But the question here is why roosters crow? Or is it true that roosters...
Have you ever wondered why leaves change their color in autumn? Well, most people associate this phenomenon with the rush to buy warm clothes for winter. However, there is a biological reason that explains why the transition from...
The scenes of Lara Croft in Cambodia in Tomb Raider are likely familiar to us all. Whether you have watched the movie or played the video game you have likely felt the rush of excitement of exploring undiscovered...
Engravings on rocks always tend to cause excitement. Rock-art or engravings can be found all over the world and are the first indication of civilization reaching an intelligent capacity. The oldest known rock-art dates back 100,000 years to...
Every milk container or packet comes with an expiry day. But do you know exactly how long milk packets are good to consume? There is a chance that you might throw away your milk packets way too soon...
While Dutch cuisine is hardly as prolific as the cuisine of other cultures like the French and Italians, it is not without its own intricacies and delights. This article seeks to enlighten more people about the sort of...
You might have come across the claims that lobsters are biologically immortal. But do you think it’s true? Not really, as this is partially an argument, as you will see in this post. This post will tell you...
Contrary to popular belief, that not only did Columbus realize the world was round, but his contemporaries, too, realized the same. It was the year 1492 when Columbus decided to sail the ocean blue with a whole lot...
Fresh out of the oven is just one of the pleasures of life. It's just a choice to buy bread from the store, but homemade bread are unbeatable for creating awesome sandwiches that will put a smile on...
Our lovely feline pets, oh how we adore them! Yes, they might be the most snuggly things in our lives, but they have their demands too. When it comes to our cats, the second most important thing after...
Have you ever thought about joining a running club? If so, what were the reasons you wanted to join? Maybe you wanted to join because you wanted to lose some weight, maybe you wanted to join because you...
It’s almost a universal belief that high heels were intended for women since their inception. But is this belief right? Well, let’s deconstruct the myth! An Interesting Fact About High Heels Did you know that high heels were...
Peter Mark Roget (1779 – 1869) is best known as the author of Roget’s Thesaurus. Also sometimes called a "synonym dictionary," a thesaurus is a reference work that compiles and lists synonyms of words. It may also contain...
The writings in the earlier stages were syllabic and logographic. The earliest writings did not need punctuation or spacing as each of the characters was self-contained in the symbol, typically. As previously demonstrated, the lack of spacing in...
If you regularly interact with horses, then you appreciate their high intelligence level. These mammals have the potential to understand emotions and they can easily be offended by your reactions. Yes! Horses have the unique ability to observe...
Art, creativity, and storytelling have been a part of life for some time. This is not something people just say without having any proof. All you need to do is study art for a bit, and you'll find...
Phrases are often a part of language that gives people an idea about a topic or subject, and they convey an entire concept with just a few words. For those who want to know more about them, one...
Dogs, they've been our buddies for as long as we can remember. Recall the ice age, little buddy? Yes, you were there. You helped us overcome the most critical moments of our evolution to become the apex species...
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