Did you know that the aviation industry is among the top ten emitters of greenhouse gases? Well, the industry’s emissions have increased by more than 70% in the last 15 years. Even worse, these emissions are projected to increase by 300-700% in the next 30 years!
Looking at these statistics, it’s no brainer that the world needs an effective transport system with low carbon emissions. Some of the suggestions that have been made are geared towards reducing air transport significantly.
But is that the solution?
The fact is that most of the aviation passengers are wealthy and no amount of taxation will prevent them from using their best transport mode!
So, which could be the most reliable regulation method? This article explores various options that can be applied to reduce aviation emissions.
Top Methods that Could Reduce Aviation-Related Emissions of Greenhouse Gases
- Flight Rationing
Limiting the number of flight hours per person will ensure that people use aeroplanes only when it’s unavoidable. For example, an allocation of 500km/1000km per year would ensure that people restrict their travel to far distances unless they accumulate enough hours required for the journey.
To endear it to people, such a policy should make it possible for them to redeem unused hours. People travelling for more hours than allocated will be fined or banned for a specified duration of time.
- Investment in Electric Trains
Electric trains emit significantly low levels of carbon gases. As such, their adoption will lead to approximately 90% reduction in carbon emissions!
Even better, countries located in the tropicals can tap the solar energy and invent solar-powered trains which will further enhance the cleanliness of the global environment.
- Adoption of Electric Train
Currently, there exist many plans for developing electric trains. In 2019, France unveiled the first electric commuter airline, known as Alice, which is a significant milestone in achieving a pollution-free environment.
Alice has the potential to carry up 9 passengers and can cover up to 1040 km at 10,000 ft above sea level and a speed of 440km/hr. This plane will start official trips in 2022.
Besides promoting a clean environment, Alice saves more than $350 worth of fuel for every 100 miles covered. All these are crowned by its zero-carbon emissions. Yes, it emits no carbon at all!
If governments fund such research, the world can have electric-powered aeroplanes which will be a fantastic win for environment enthusiasts.
- Re-Introduce the Zeppelin
This is one of the most reliable methods of exploring the skies! While they were banned after the Hindenburg disaster, their safety measures have significantly improved. For example, most of these balloons now use concentrated helium instead of explosive hydrogen.
Also, scientists have invented safer methods of using hydrogen cylinders for jets aircraft which is a significantly affordable, safer, and environmentally friendly travelling option.
While these airships may be relatively fast, it would be an excellent choice for passengers whose main interest is to enjoy the beauty of the skies.
- Develop Orbital Rings
This could be one of the most effective travelling methods if adopted. However, little has been achieved to make it a success.
An orbital ring can be built using strong metals located approximately 80 km above the earth’s surface. The ring rotates thus creating a flying effect as it tries to balance the rotations and gravitational force.
The structure would then be connected to the ground by cables flexible enough to accelerate at the same speed as the flying effect developed by the hanging ring. If implemented, it can offer the fastest yet environmentally-friendly transportation method.